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Murasaki | Hamatora: The Animation Quotes

Hamatora: The Animation
Hamatora: The Animation: Human emotions are just black or white sometimes there and consistent and can even be contradictory, but that's all right.
- Murasaki
Hamatora: The Animation: Sometimes, I just think... this world has surpassed its capacity. It's overflowing. Our day-to-day lives are replete with both happiness and misfortune. Yet, because we cannot see the excess from the inside, we still feel unfulfilled. Given that we are capable of acknowledging neither excess nor deprivation, we might as well not exist. In other words... you can't withdraw coins from an ATM. That's common sense.
- Murasaki
Hamatora: The Animation: Feelings aren't black and white. Even if they're fuzzy and contradictory, if they're sincere, they are what they are.
- Murasaki
Hamatora: The Animation: You chose to go with the flow and you think that doesn't make you guilty?
- Murasaki