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Excalibur | Soul Eater Quotes

Soul Eater
Soul Eater: Before becoming my Meister there is a list of 1,000 provisions you must peruse. Be sure to look through all of them, they're important. I greatly look forward to your participation in number 452 the five hour story telling party.
- Excalibur
Soul Eater: One must take time to think! Rushing forward without considering things beforehand is the hight of foolishness. Ahh yes, that reminds me of another time when I had to consider things, that case was long ago but I remember it still. It was back when I still hung my hat on Bakers St. and called it home.
- Excalibur
Soul Eater: My mornings begin with a cup of coffee with cream at the cafe. My afternoon begins with hot tea with two lumps of sugar. And my evenings... In the evening I change into my pajamas.
- Excalibur
Soul Eater: Young ones! Do you want to hear the legend of me? Do you want to hear a heroic tale?
- Excalibur
Soul Eater: Welcome. Welcome to my cave young ones. Please forgive the belated salutations I am the holy sword Excalibur!
- Excalibur
Soul Eater: A symphony can not be created using common sense and probabilities. It is already written in the fate of the composer. No... that's not it. A symphony is the inevitable result of a bad childhood, deafness, and too many beans eaten after a certain time of day.
- Excalibur
Soul Eater: Of course they are my family, isn't it obvious? And a wonderful family they were. It happened long ago when I was still in the flower of my youth. The cities began to grow wild, people lost hope for the future, they became lazy idol time wasters. And to my everlasting shame I was no exception. Thus I began to watch the 7 O'Clock news religiously every night!
- Excalibur
Soul Eater: Thus at long last the fighting between the rival gangs had ended! To sum up, this leads us to number 778 of the 1,000 provisions you must observe. Never mail a letter without the return address or the proper postage. And don't call collect.
- Excalibur