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Death the Kid | Soul Eater Quotes

Soul Eater
Soul Eater: Symmetry is what makes the world beautiful.
- Death the Kid
Soul Eater: If you pick a fight with a god of death, I can't guarantee your soul's safety.
- Death the Kid
Soul Eater: Can I shoot them now?
- Death the Kid
Soul Eater: Oh sorry, my hand slipped.
- Death the Kid
Soul Eater: I partnered with these two specifically so something like this wouldn't happen. I need symmetry! Maybe I should have listened to my father. He tried to pick out a good weapon for me, but I refused to listen to him! Stubborn! All I cared about, all I wanted was symmetry! Two symmetrical weapons! Was that so much to ask for?! And now all my efforts have been completely and utterly wasted! Damn it!
- Death the Kid
Soul Eater: That is why I prefer using you two pistols. There is symmetry to wielding you two, right? (Getting aggravated) But when you two are in human form, your hairstyles and your heights are completely different... (Grabs their breasts) Even your cup sizes are completely different!
- Death the Kid
Soul Eater: Symmetry is key everything must be esthetically pleasing. That's why I use the two of you as twin pistols in order to preserve symmetry. When I hold you both I'm completely balanced on the right and left. It isn't perfect because your human forms are so different from each other though. Your hair styles and height for example. Even your boobs are different sizes!
- Death the Kid