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Suicide Island Anime Quotes

Suicide Island

On a remote island far from the mainland named Urashima, a man washes ashore, with no recollection of his name or homeland. What he does recall, however, is that he is a time traveler with a mission: to save a certain girl from harm. As nightfall arrives, he meets Rinne Ohara, a girl who sings a tune that reminds him of a specific name—Setsuna—and decides to use it as his own. Knowing another "Setsuna" herself, Rinne takes him to her household as a servant, hoping that he is the same one she remembers. On the other hand, Setsuna continues to learn more about Urashima, desiring to identify his lost past. He comes to know about the island's folklore, its three great families, and the endemic disease that prevents anyone afflicted from stepping out into the daylight. As the mysteries of his missing memories and Urashima itself unfold, Setsuna must remember his purpose and fulfill his mission as soon as possible. But, as he witnesses the myriad of troubles plaguing the island, Setsuna begins to question—is his temporal displacement merely an effort to change a single girl's fate?

Score: 6.31 out of 10
Suicide Island: How can you work so hard? There might be something really bad waiting for you ahead. How can you still make yourself move on despite that? The older we get...the number of annoying and troublesome things we have to face only increases- and wonderful things stop happening. In the days ahead of us... we have to bear each painful thing one at a time, conquering them...overcoming them...the power to do that just doesn't spring out of me. The power to move ahead.
- Kai
Suicide Island: Right now, we're all really only taking it day by day. Even if we can't get used to things, even if we can't win at something, even if we don't have any excess...In order to live day by day, we work, we fail, and we succeed. Sometimes we laugh. For the blessing before our very eyes, for our friends, we're thankful. Who knew that people could feel happiness just from living?
- Sei
Suicide Island: If all life is so important, then the most evil of all beings on this earth are without a doubt humans. If there weren't any people on earth, the environment and conditions that all living things live in would be drastically better. Even if there were no school to teach us the stuff we know, it would still be obvious to everyone, wouldn't it? Just think of all that's happened to the earth due to our desires and ego.
- Kai