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Legend of the Galactic Heroes Anime Quotes

Legend of the Galactic Heroes

The 150-year-long stalemate between the two interstellar superpowers, the Galactic Empire and the Free Planets Alliance, comes to an end when a new generation of leaders arises: the idealistic military genius Reinhard von Lohengramm, and the FPA's reserved historian, Yang Wenli. While Reinhard climbs the ranks of the Empire with the aid of his childhood friend, Siegfried Kircheis, he must fight not only the war, but also the remnants of the crumbling Goldenbaum Dynasty in order to free his sister from the Kaiser and unify humanity under one genuine ruler. Meanwhile, on the other side of the galaxy, Yang—a strong supporter of democratic ideals—has to stand firm in his beliefs, despite the struggles of the FPA, and show his pupil, Julian Mintz, that autocracy is not the solution. As ideologies clash amidst the war's many casualties, the two strategic masterminds must ask themselves what the real reason behind their battle is.

Score: 9.02 out of 10
Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Perfection is a fairly nonexistent thing. If you couldn’t do it, it was probably impossible for anybody else, too.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes: The greatest freedom is the freedom not to get involved.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Children don't grow up looking at perfect parents. Rather, using their imperfect parents as anti-teachers, children nourish a spirit of independence.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Humans always pursue things they can’t reach. Doesn’t it single-heartedly symbolize such yearnings?
Legend of the Galactic Heroes: One cannot live by jokes alone. But if there were no jokes, I’d rather not live.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Even if the clothes are too large in the beginning, they’ll fill out as you grow. The same goes for courage… The secret of not getting killed by the enemy is to underestimate life’s difficulties.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes: A student who is too loyal to his master has no chance of surpassing that master... A mutinous spirit is the source of independence.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Something that's supposed to die and doesn't will eventually rot away, whether it's a man or a nation.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes: There is great satisfaction in fighting for the sake of gaining power, but it’s joyless to fight for the sake of maintaining it.