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D.Gray-man Anime Quotes


In 2024, the terrorist incident known as "The Laughing Man Incident" occurred in which Ernest Serano, president of the groundbreaking micromachine company, Serano Genomics, was kidnapped and ransomed. One day, the case having remained unsolved for six years, Detective Yamaguchi, who has been investigating "The Laughing Man Incident," sends word that he wants to meet with Togusa from Public Safety Section 9. However, soon after sending this message, Yamaguchi, crucial to the success of the case, dies in an accident. Many days pass and in the midst of a police interview relay concerning suspicions behind interceptors, a forewarning is received from "The Laughing Man" of his next crime. The incorporeal hacker begins to move once again. (Source: ANN)

Score: 8.07 out of 10
D.Gray-man: Even if my left arm can transform into a monstrous claw and can destroy Akuma, im just a normal person with a promise...
D.Gray-man: You think I'm making demons simply as weapons, but demons are created by the human soul.
D.Gray-man: To me, the world is not only the shape on the map. On the battle field, all I see are the faces of the order and my friends... I am an awful person aren't I? Instead of the real world, all I care about is my friends. That's because they are my whole world... Even if just one of my friends dies, to me, it's the same thing as part of the world being destroyed.
D.Gray-man: No matter what happens, no matter what, never stop, always keep walking.