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Cowboy Bebop Anime Quotes

Cowboy Bebop

Crime is timeless. By the year 2071, humanity has expanded across the galaxy, filling the surface of other planets with settlements like those on Earth. These new societies are plagued by murder, drug use, and theft, and intergalactic outlaws are hunted by a growing number of tough bounty hunters. Spike Spiegel and Jet Black pursue criminals throughout space to make a humble living. Beneath his goofy and aloof demeanor, Spike is haunted by the weight of his violent past. Meanwhile, Jet manages his own troubled memories while taking care of Spike and the Bebop, their ship. The duo is joined by the beautiful con artist Faye Valentine, odd child Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV, and Ein, a bioengineered Welsh Corgi. While developing bonds and working to catch a colorful cast of criminals, the Bebop crew's lives are disrupted by a menace from Spike's past. As a rival's maniacal plot continues to unravel, Spike must choose between life with his newfound family or revenge for his old wounds.

Score: 8.75 out of 10
Cowboy Bebop: And what's the real lesson? Don't leave things in the fridge.
Cowboy Bebop: Whatever happens, happens.
Cowboy Bebop: They often say that humans can't live alone. But you can live pretty long by yourself. Instead of feeling alone in a group, it's better to be alone in your solitude.
Cowboy Bebop: Humans were meant to work and sweat for their money after all. Those that try to get rich quickly or live at expense of others - all get divine retribution along the way. That is the lesson. But, one thing about humans is that they quickly forget the lesson they have learnt.
Cowboy Bebop: The past is the past and the future is the future. A man is a man and a woman is a woman. The present is the present. I am who I am and you are who you are. That's all there is to it. Does it really matter? Or do we just think it does?
Cowboy Bebop: The souls that God has given us, our spirits. Our spirits, which found a way to swim through the immense network and live in the infinity of space. Is not the human body a mere shell? A form of existence all too small and weak for consciousness with such vast reach and potential.